
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Inexpensive Video Editing Software

At our last meeting JoJo had mentioned an interest in locating some inexpensive video editing software. This product seems to fit the bill quite nicely with a free baseline product and inexpensive month by month upgrade option. Far more inexpensive than buying a high-end machine with expensive video editing suite.

Whiteboard Hack that Saves Thousands

Tuesday Evening's Meeting Agenda

Digital Learning Committee Agenda - March 27, 2012

We’re meeting in  Alan Trotochaud’s room (101)

  1. 5:30ish Introduction of new members (briefly)
  2. 5:45 Discussion:
    1. Discuss the Digital Learning Activities held this month for teachers at the school
    2. Bruce update on Wireless initiative and implications. (2 min)
    3. Survey 
      1. "Do you regularly incorporate the use of the Internet in your classroom activity?"
      2.  "Do you have a class-specific blog that your students can author on?"
      3. "Do you recommend youTube videos as supplementary or alternative sources of teaching like subject matter?"
      4. "Do you have a teacher blog of your own?"
      5. "Do you use a wiki for your grade level?"
      6.  "Do you maintain an academic wiki across semesters?"
      7. "What are the websites you most often use in your teaching?"
      8. "Do you assign homework that requires the use of the Internet?"
      9. "Do you use cloud-based documents for student collaborative assignments?"
      10. "Do you use cloud based documents such as Google docs for classroom material?"
      11. "Do you instruct your students as to the best way to use search engines?"
      12. "What browser do you use?"
      13. "Do you use youTube videos to supplement in class material?"
      14. "What browser plug-ins do you use at home or in the classroom?"
      15. "Do you maintain a wiki for a particular subject?"
      16. "Do you tag your classroom assignments with keywords the students can research independently?"
    4. Prioritize a few policy issues
  3. 6:15ish Supporting existing initiatives
    1. Flip a classroom
  4. after 6:45  Hands on with Smartboard (Getting us up to speed on basics)
    1. Sue short tutorial on smartboard nuances
    2. GMail
    3. Google docs
  5. Round table discussions on current and future digital learning initiatives.

We’ll try to conclude by 7:30 at the latest

Thursday, March 22, 2012