We’re meeting in Alan Trotochaud’s room (101)
- 5:30ish Introduction of new members (briefly)
- 5:45 Discussion:
- Discuss the Digital Learning Activities held this month for teachers at the school
- Bruce update on Wireless initiative and implications. (2 min)
- Survey
- "Do you regularly incorporate the use of the Internet in your classroom activity?"
- "Do you have a class-specific blog that your students can author on?"
- "Do you recommend youTube videos as supplementary or alternative sources of teaching like subject matter?"
- "Do you have a teacher blog of your own?"
- "Do you use a wiki for your grade level?"
- "Do you maintain an academic wiki across semesters?"
- "What are the websites you most often use in your teaching?"
- "Do you assign homework that requires the use of the Internet?"
- "Do you use cloud-based documents for student collaborative assignments?"
- "Do you use cloud based documents such as Google docs for classroom material?"
- "Do you instruct your students as to the best way to use search engines?"
- "What browser do you use?"
- "Do you use youTube videos to supplement in class material?"
- "What browser plug-ins do you use at home or in the classroom?"
- "Do you maintain a wiki for a particular subject?"
- "Do you tag your classroom assignments with keywords the students can research independently?"
- Prioritize a few policy issues
- 6:15ish Supporting existing initiatives
- Flip a classroom
- after 6:45 Hands on with Smartboard (Getting us up to speed on basics)
- Sue short tutorial on smartboard nuances
- GMail
- Google docs
- Round table discussions on current and future digital learning initiatives.
We’ll try to conclude by 7:30 at the latest
I think we should hold off on a survey and frame a process for moving to a digital learning enviroment. I see this starting at the board level (policy) and am interested in seeing if Neag would like to partner with us.