
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Updated: May DLIC Meeting Agenda

We are meeting on May 29, Rm. 101 at 5:30 to 7:00 pm-ish, no later than 7:30

TUESDAY MAY 29, 2012
5:30 P.M.
ROOM 101


1. Review District Technology Plan as approved by EASTCONN 5:30 - ~5:50

2. Update on wireless installation ~5:50 - 6:00

3. Review “Private Technology Devices by Students” Policy ~6:00 - 6:45
Tentatively these topics are a starting point;
Who Teachers Aides Students
Privilege vs right
Acceptable use policy for school computers
Monitoring and privacy issues
Educational Goals
Ethical behavior standards
No plagarism Do not publicly disclose confidential information Do not abuse other people’s digital content - no deleting of other people’s files, no malicious edits, no hacking of applications or data that does not belong to you. No sharing or disclosure of private information such as usernames, passwords and so on Refrain from pornography, obscenity, and unwholesome material - report the intrusion of such material to the school environment immediately
Protecting identification
Objectionable material
Harassing Threatening Intimidating
Copyright law
Fair Use
Thresholds and Consequences 

Also this recent case in Mancester is worth understanding; 

  1. Summer online course initiative update – Bill Green ~6:45

5. Other

April 2012 DLIC Meeting Minutes

24 April 2012 Region 19 - Digital Committee
Present: Frank Krasicki, Denise Abercrombie, Bill Green, Sue Palmberg, Sue Biren, Lou DeLoreto, Doug Melody, Nancy Silander
Absent: Bruce Silva, Alan Trotochaud, Jojo Phillips, Tim Nolan

Opened at 5:15 p.m.

PD for teachers and options for helping them access programs. Using PLC’s (Personal Learning Communities) will allow for more collaboration. Encourage teachers to go to SECA and other technology conferences.

Wireless project – P.O.’s have been initiated for all necessary building wi-fi. Worked on over spring break. Equipment will be put in place once it arrives. On target for timing of September.

Saving paper – Faculty needs to be encouraged to save paper. Possibly a copy center. Lou will organize a sub committee to look into this.

Flipping a classroom: need to model for others. If have BYOD, teachers will begin to experiment. Some content can be watched on-line at home; some teachers will be comfortable doing this, others less so. Curriculum dependent. Discussion on how students develop knowledge of credible sources.

BYOD – policy probably not needed - do not want to have policies just for outliers. Health, safety and privacy concerns need to be anticipated. Perhaps could work with a retailer for discounting prices. What will happen if not every student has a device: share? Give out? Lend? Can expand current policies to include BYOD. Administration can develop guidelines as needed.

Teachers need to be backed up appropriately by administration. Board needs to see comments from faculty meeting after the PD technology day – Frank and Nancy will present at next board meeting. Need to protect teachers’ willingness to experiment; board and administration needs to reduce risk for teachers by backing them up.

Policing what students watch – with BYOD, firewall non-existent. It would be difficult to police students and what they are watching. Do we need to be able to control some of this?

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

DLIC March 2012 Minutes

Region 19 Board of Education: DIGITAL COMMITTEE Meeting: March 27, 2012

Present: Denise Abercrombie, Sue Biren, Lou DeLoreto, Bill Green, Frank Krasicki, Brad Martin,
Doug Melody, Sue Palmberg, Nancy Silander, Bruce Silva, Alan Trotochaud

Absent: Tim Nolan, Jojo Phillips

Bruce opened the meeting at 5:35 p.m.

1. Technology plan – Jan Poland and Jamie wrote the technology plan for the state. They determined we have enough student computers for all grade 10 students to take the CAPT on-line (297). Students currently take the Perkins and Accuplacer exams on-line – they get immediate feedback from Accuplacer, but Perkins is delayed. Discussion centered on the various Goals and Action Plans that state has delineated. The plan now goes to EASTCONN who reviews it for the state and will let us know if there are problems or if something is missing.

This committee needs to look it over (a copy was sent electronically) and give comments to Bruce by April 5. It will also be posted to the digital committee’s blog.

2. PD – March 25 – Speaker from Litchfield RESC – Jonathan Costa. The day was generally well-received by the faculty – speaker and then interdisciplinary workshops. The following comments and concerns were noted:

BYOD(device): there will be challenges if/when this occurs. The building should be wired by September, 2012.
How comfortable will teachers be?
What will they ask students to use in their classroom?
How frequently – daily, weekly, quarterly?
How will they integrate more technology into the curriculum?
What will be the phase-in time? How do we teach students to be good digital citizens?
We will need to determine steps so that students don’t buy devices they don’t need. Need an open forum for parents so that they are not surprised budget-wise or device-wise.
Need to plan for: policies, for wi-fi connecting issues, for battery charging in classrooms (electrical strips?), for lack of robustness of devices – i.e. do we provide ones for students to use?, for PD for faculty.
Students having their own device allows for more individualized instruction.

3.Other discussions: E-boards vs. individual web sites; paper vs. digital copies (hand-outs, hot links); Gmail vs. Outlook; on-line courses.
We need to get back to the basics – integrating technology into learning.

4. Actions: Bruce will set up a conference call with Ridgefield or Chester to talk about BYOD for the next meeting once a date has been set.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Silander